Foundation Q & A
Q: Is Missouri Delta Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization?
A: Yes, Missouri Delta Foundation was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in 1991.
Q: What is Missouri Delta Foundation’s Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
A: The Foundation’s Federal TIN or EIN# is 43-1577510
Q: How is my gift used?
A: All donated funds are used exclusively for programs that have a direct, positive impact on the health and well-being of our community including advanced technology and facilities, medical/nursing scholarships and medical innovations. Each gift received – regardless of purpose or amount – is carefully processed to ensure that the donor(s)’s wishes are honored and that Missouri Delta receives the maximum benefit.
Q: May I apply for a grant from the Missouri Delta Foundation?
A: Missouri Delta Foundation is not a grant-making foundation. WE are chartered to raise funds specifically to support the program and initiative of Missouri Delta Medical Center.