You Are Not Alone
- Depression and other emotional illnesses are a significant problem for older adults.
- National statistics show that one out of four older adults suffers from serious emotional difficulties related to aging.
- Depressed older adults have the highest risk of suicide in our society.
- Over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Two million American over the age of 55 heave a chronic mental illness.
We all hope our family members will enjoy “the golden years,” but as individuals age, they experience the loss of loved ones, and the stresses that go with losing physical and mental abilities. At Missouri Delta Medical Center’s Senior Lifestyles, we offer individualized care in a warm, supportive atmosphere. For more information please call, (573) 472-7490.
How We Can Help
At Senior Lifestyles, we offer individualized care in a warm, supportive atmosphere. Our professional team will begin with a very thorough evaluation to help determine what is causing the behavioral and mental changes. We also check for any underlying medical conditions. We will then work with the patient, family and other health professionals to develop a course of treatment.
Treatment includes:
- Individual meetings with psychiatrists
- Group therapy with seniors struggling with similar problems
- Education programs.
Our therapies are designed to help patients return home and resume their lives as quickly as possible. Our discharge planners and case managers also help plan and coordinate care following hospitalization.
Family Plays an Important Role
When one person in the family suffers from a mental or emotional illness, everyone else in the family if affected. Admission to a psychiatric unit is understandable difficult, and can be especially so for an elderly person. Stresses and strains in relationships are intensified. We understand this and encourage family members to express their feelings and learn new ways to cope with their frustrations.
We encourage family to participate in their loved one’s treatment process. Our family support group helps to re-establish health communication channels that will lead to stronger family ties and happier lives.
Visiting Hours – Senior Lifestyles
Our goal at Senior Lifestyles is to provide a safe, comfortable, therapeutic and confidential environment for our patient and visitors. Please acquaint yourself with our visiting hours and policies.
Monday – Friday
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Please Note:
Visitors must be age 12 and older.
Visitors’ personal items, including handbags and cell phones, are not allowed on Senior Lifestyles.
Exceptions to our visiting policy should be pre-arranged with the treatment staff. We will make every effort to accommodate individual circumstances that are therapeutic to our patients’ hospitalization.
Signs & Symptoms of Emotional Illness
A changing lifestyles and increased physical challenges can lead to sadness and withdrawal. However, persistent personality changes or unusual behavior may indicate your loved one is suffering from an emotional illness, such as depression.
Signs and symptoms that a loved one may be experiencing an emotional illness include:
- Behavioral disturbances
- Insomnia or too much sleep
- Crying spells
- Poor appetite or overeating
- Disregard for personal appearance
- Thoughts of suicide
- Forgetfulness or confusion
- Social isolation
These symptoms are not normal at any age. Most depression and other emotional illnesses in older people are treatable, especially if dealt with early. In addition to improving a senior’s outlook on life, therapy also helps individual to better care for themselves and follow their primary care providers’ directions.
Admission – Senior Lifestyles
Admissions to Senior Lifestyles are accepted 24 hours a day. Referrals may come from any of the following:
Physicians, psychologists, social workers, mental health professionals, social service agencies, residential and long-term care facilities, family members, or friends may make referrals. The decision regarding admissions is made by a psychiatrist. We accept patients aged 55 and older.